Friday, December 5, 2008

Behind the Scenes...

When we first learned about The City (The Hills spin off, starring Whitney Port) we couldn't wait. Whitney was leaving la for nyc to work at DvF, or so we thought. A current employee at DvF discussed what really was going on behind the scenes.
“Well, she just goes into the office to shoot scenes like she works there, like what they did on The Hills. Actually, it’s kind of sad. When they film her spots, they make the girls that actually work there move from their desks and into some cubicles in another part of the floor, because they’re actually working, but the camera people want Whitney and her on-screen work friend to look like they have real desks... And when the scenes are done, Whitney leaves. She doesn’t really work there.”
For some reason, we thought this time it would be different. Even though we heard the same stories from our friends at Teen Vogue about The Hills, we were really hoping The City would be more realistic. Sounds like a bunch of scenes filled with Whitney and a co-"worker" gossiping, only this time its in ny.

Another thing, DvF is actually posting articles related to the show on their website & Whitney started her own style website, where you can learn more about her own line.

What do you think? Were you surprised by the news like we were?

image via iside dvf

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